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Mexico Minutes
With Michele

This page of our website is designed to send out a periodic progress report of the current work of our other ministry, Mexico Medical Missions, in Mexico.  We offer this introduction so you will be familiar with us and what we are doing in Mexico.  


In 1994 Ken went on his first mission trip to Mexico to help construct an apartment for missi0naries, Gerald and Clara Brown.  He was hooked, and for 6 years Ken and Michele accompanied many teams for construction, medical clinics, and assisting the Bible Institute in Jaumave.   In 2000 we birthed a new ministry, MEXICO MEDICAL MISSIONS, leading our own teams  into an area called Ocampo.  This is our story.  


Location of Ministry

We crossed the border at McAllen, Texas and traveled south on the "Highway of Death" about five hours to Ciudad Victoria which is the capital of the state of Tamaulipas. Our ministry settled in the towns of Jaumave and Ocampo which are south of Victoria in the mountains. Jaumave is in the desert region, and Ocampo is in the tropical region. We renovated a small apartment in Jaumave, and we also built a mission compound in Ocampo to house mission teams, pastors and students from the Bible Institute.

Church Construction

Ken and Michele helped mission teams build many churches throughout the state of Tamaulipas.  Mexico  Medical Missions built 3 churches in Ocampo villages:  La Agustina, Corrales. and El Tigre.  

Medical Clinics

The Mission House kitchen is the gathering place for meals,  meetings, and medicine preparation.  All the medications  are labeled in Spanish,"prescribed" by the lead doctor or pharmacist, and explained to the patients by an interpreter.




Jaumave Bible Institute

The Bible Institute offers a year of classroom instruction followed by a. year of internship with an experienced pastor, youth leader, or musician.  Then the student is ready for full-time ministry.  While we lived on campus, we had 4 lady interns.  Two remained with us for full-time ministry in Ocampo.  Our lead pastor, Ruth, is still leading the 3 churches and 2 children's missions for almost 15 years!

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